Summer Plans


This summer is about creating new memories and staying close to home. While I am missing going abroad, I am enjoying time at home and planning a few road trips and day excursions. We sometimes forget how much there is to do close by and even in our own home town. It can be fun to be a tourist in your own city.

I love exploring Los Angeles. We have so many diverse neighborhoods that it feels like you went out of town for the day. I would imagine wherever you live there are things nearby to visit. From a day hike and picnic to a walk through a town that you always said you would see or a visit to a beach just past the one you usually go to, there are so many ways to turn this summer around and make it fun. All it takes is an open mind and some creativity.

A road trip is the way to go right now. I am excited to go somewhere new. More than likely I will go North. I am a Northern California girl. So many farms and great landscapes on the way to photograph. Would be fun to explore farmers markets in new locations as well. Look to your passions to lead your adventures.

I am also finding a day at home that I can turn into a staycation can be really fun. For me, I love to walk, garden, read, cook and putter around the house. Sometimes I lay out in a bikini because the feel of the sun on my skin reminds of being a kid. It seems so carefree and indulgent. Maybe some of your childhood memories of simple summer activities are ones to bring back now with your family or enjoy on your own. Whatever you come up with it will be a summer to remember.

Happy exploring!